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Office of International Affairs 홍익대학교 국제협력본부

국제학생지원실 공지사항

대면 수업 및 시험 참석용 온라인 문진표 작성 안내(서울캠퍼스)

create 이길영access_time 2020.06.03 17:03visibility 868





본교는코로나19감염확산을방지하고학내구성원의안전을지키기위해대면수업기말시험에참석하는학생전원을대상으로 대면수업·시험참석용온라인문진표 제출시스템발열검진소를운영합니다.




-  -


1. 일정 : 2020.6.6.() ~ 7.4.()

2. 대상학생 대면수업시험에참석하는재학생전원

3. 대상강좌 대면수업시험실시강좌전체(사이버강좌포함)

4. 발열검진소운영일정장소(*시험일정에따라일부조정이있을있음)

운영장소 교내발열검진소 (붙임 참조)


(1) 평일 : 8:00 ~ 21:00 까지운영예정

- 8:00 ~ 17:00 : 교내발열검진소 3모두운영

- 17:00 ~ 21:00 : 1검진소(홍문관)운영

     (2) 주말 : 6.6.(), 6.7.(), 6.13.(), 6.14.(), 6.20.(), 6.27.(), 7.4.()한해 8:00 ~ 19:00 까지운영예정

- 8:00 ~ 17:00 : 교내발열검진소 3모두운영

- 17:00 ~ 19:00 : 1검진소(홍문관)운영

5. 진행절차




수업·시험 당일

(등교 전) 학생 클래스넷 >「대면 수업·시험 참석용 온라인 문진표」제출

* 온라인 문진표는 대면 수업·시험 참석일마다 매일 작성해야하며 해당 결과는 제출 당일에만 유효

문진표에 해당사항이 없는 경우

 캠퍼스 내 발열검진소 방문

문진표 등에 해당사항이 있는 경우

 등교 불가

모바일 학생증 또는 신분증을 지참하여 캠퍼스 내 발열검진소 방문(붙임 1 참조)

 문진표 확인(모바일 학생증 QR코드 조회)


* 모바일 학생증 지참 권고

* 수업·시험 시작 시간보다 최소 30분 이전까지 필히 검진소 방문

다음의 해당자는 대면 수업·시험 참석 및 등교가 불가하므로 대면 수업이 아닌 실시간 원격강좌를 수강하거나 담당 교수에게 별도로 연락을 취하여 과제·기말 레포트 등 과목별 정해진 방법으로 시험을 대체함.

1) 문진표 제출 결과 해당사항이 있을 시

2) 해외 체류 중이거나 체류국가가 확인 불가한 유학생 일 시

3) 본교 코로나19 자율격리 신고결과 ‘자율격리중’ 또는 ‘미신고자’ 상태 일 시

수업·시험 당일

발열증상이 없을 시

 대면 수업·시험 참석 가능

발열증상이 있을 시

 대면 수업·시험 참석 불가

문진표 확인(모바일 학생증 QR코드)

 “대면 참석가능 손목밴드” 착용

* 마스크 착용 필수

모바일 학생증 QR코드 확인

 대면 참석 불가” 처리

- 대면 수업이 아닌 실시간 원격강좌를 수강하거나 담당 교수에게 별도로 연락을 취하여 과제·기말 레포트 등 과목별 정해진 방법으로 시험을 대체함.


6. 비고


코로나19 감염확산을방지하기위해 대면수업·시험종료즉시귀가하시기바랍니다.

온라인문진표는대면수업·시험당일(00:00~23:59) 작성이가능하며대면수업/시험참석일마다매일작성해야합니다해당결과는제출당일에만유효합니다.

. “대면참석가능손목밴드” 마스크미착용자는대면수업·시험참석이불가합니다.











1. ?? : 2020.6.6.(周六) ~ 7.4.(周六)


2. ?? : 全??加面??程及考??


3. ?? : 所有面??程及考???? (包括??)


4. 발열검진소的??日程及?(*根据考?日程???)


a. ??? : ?발열검진소(?附件


b. ??日程


(1) 平日 : ???? 8:00 ~ 21:00 

- 8:00 ~ 17:00 : ?的三?발열검진소全部??

- 17:00 ~ 21:00 : ???弘文?前的발열검진


(2) 周末 : ? 6.6.(周六), 6.7.(周日), 6.13.(周六), 6.14.(周日), 6.20.(周六), 6.27.(周六), 7.4.(周六)? 8:00 ~ 19:00 ????

- 8:00 ~ 17:00 : ?的三?발열검진소全部??

- 17:00 ~ 21:00 : ???弘文?前的발열검진


5. ?












Guidelines regarding Online Questionnaire for attending Offline Classes and Exams (Seoul Campus)


To prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to protect all the members in the university, we are managing a 「대면수업·시험참석용온라인문진표」 submission system and fever examination centers aimed at all the students who will be attending offline classes and final exams.

All the enrolled students who will be attending offline classes and taking exams will on the same day through Student Classnet submit an online questionnaire and then visit one of the examination centers on campus to check their temperature, and those without any symptoms will have permission to attend offline class and/or exams. For the safety of all the universities’ members, we hope all the enrolled students will earnestly fill in the online questionnaire.


- 음 -


1. Date : 2020.6.6 (Sat) - 7.4 (Sat)
2. Participants : All enrolled students who are attending offline classes and exams
3. Eligible courses : All courses that carry out offline classes and exams (including cyber courses)
4. Fever examination operating schedule and location (*depending on the exam schedule, dates may be adjusted)
   - Location : on campus (refer to the attached file 1)
   - Operating schedule
     (1) Weekdays : 8:00 - 21:00
          - 8:00 - 17:00 : All 3 examination centers on campus
          - 17:00 - 21:00 : Examination center 1 (in front of Hongmungwan, R-building)
     (2) Weekends : 6.6 (Sat), 6.7 (Sun), 6.13.(Sat), 6.14.(Sun), 6.20.(Sat), 6.27.(Sat), 7.4.(Sat) 8:00 ~ 19:00
          - 8:00 - 17:00 : All 3 examination centers on campus
          - 17:00 - 19:00 : Examination center 1 (in front of Hongmungwan, R-building)
5. Process




on the day of a


(Before going to class) Student Classnet > Fill in & submit 「대면 수업·시험 참석용 온라인 문진표」

* The online questionnaire has to be filled in before every offline class and exam, as the result is only valid on the day of submission

In case the questionnaire is N/A

→ Visit the on campus examination center

In case where the questionnaire is applicable

→ No permission to come to campus

Bring your mobile student ID or ID card and visit the on campus examination center (refer to attached file 1)

→ Confirm the questionnaire(by verifying the mobile student ID’s QR code)

→ Check your temperature

* Recommended to bring your mobile student ID

* Must have visited the examination center min. 30 minutes before your class·exam starts

The following relevant students who are not permitted to attend offline classes·exams will have to attend real-time online lectures or separately contact the professor in charge to do a assignment·final report etc specifically arranged for that course to substitute the exam.

1) In case the questionnaire applies

2) In case of international students who are currently abroad or where country of residence cannot be verified

3) In case “코로나19 자율격리 신고결과” is ‘Self-Quarantine’ or ‘Unreported’ status

on the day of a


In case of no fever symptoms

→ possible to attend offline class·exams

In case of fever symptoms

→ No permission to attend offline class·exams

Confirm questionnaire(모바일 학생증 QR코드)

→ wear the ”Offline Attendance Wristband”

* Must also always wear a mask

Confirm mobile student ID QR code

→ processed as ”Offline Attendance Not Permitted”

attend real-time online lectures or separately contact the professor in charge to do a assignment·final report etc specifically arranged for that course to substitute the exam.


6. Note
      - In case the answers are dishonest one can receive punishment according to the school regulations
      - To prevent the spread of COVID-19 once the offline class·exam ends, please immediately return home.
      - The online questionnaire is available to fill in on the day of the offline class
·exam(between 00:00-23:29), and you have to fill it in every time/day you have an offline class or exam. The result will only be valid on the day of submission.
      - One who does not wear a “Offline Attendance Wristband” or mask is does not have permission to attend offline class·exam.