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Office of International Affairs 홍익대학교 국제협력본부

22-2 국제언어교육원 Freshmen Notice (for Exchange students)

create 이길영access_time 2022.07.29 10:27visibility 998


※ This notice only applies to students who applied for the International Language Education Center in the fall semester. 

2022 -2 학기 Inbound 교환 학생을 위한 공지사항입니다. 



Warmest greetings from The Office of International Affairs (OIA), Hongik University.

This email is for exchange students who applied for the Korean Language course as well.

Please refer to the attached file for the online level test procedure and follow accordingly.

Best regards,
*Please check the attached file*
 - English ver. 
 - Japanese ver.
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