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Office of International Affairs 홍익대학교 국제협력본부

이탈리아 IED 공모전 (부상: 대학원 학비 장학금)

create 이길영access_time 2022.02.04 09:51visibility 1058

본교 자매대학인 이탈리아 IED(Istituto Europeo di Design)에서, 대학원 학비 장학금을 부상으로건 공모전을 개최한다고 합니다.

관심있는 학생은 해당 사이트를 통해서 구체적인 정보를 확인하시기 바랍니다.


IED – ISTITUTO EUROPEO DI DESIGN is an international education network with a 100% Italian DNA that, since 1966, has been training and researching in the disciplines of Design, Fashion, Visual Arts, Communication and Management of the creative industry.
IED acknowledges the value of talented students with special scholarships for international students. Up for grabs there are 39 scholarships covering 50% of the 22/23 Master courses’ tuition fee.
To apply for the scholarships, interested students should submit within February 27th, 2022, a presentation or a project on the topic of Hybrid Innovation we’ve been all recently  forced to face in a variety of multiple forms.
We invite you to visit our dedicated webpage and to spread the news among your students.
IED Area Managers are at your disposal for any further information you may need. 

