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미래의 가능성을 확인하세요 교육은 특정 장소에서만 이루어지는 것이 아니라 환경과의 상호작용 속에서
자신과 환경을 긍정적인 방향으로 서로 변화시켜가는 과정입니다.

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싱가포르에본사를두고있는스위스계유통임상의약품물류회사인쥴릭파마코리아는아시아에서가장헬스케어그룹하나이며, 헬스케어서비스의접근성을높이는일을목표로, 세계적인수준의유통, 디지털커머셜서비스를제공하고있습니다. 현재 13국가에서 13,000이상의직원이근무하고있으며, 130달러규모의비즈니스로, 1,000이상의고객사와협력하고있습니다.

회사명 : 쥴릭파마코리아 

부서 : Finance

직무 : Junior accountant for Service Income

Homepage address :

담당자이메일연락처: 탁원아이사


Key Responsibilities:

²  고객의계약마진또는물류활동을기반으로매월Service income계산하고정확하게적시에세금계산서발행

²  Service Income 대시보드보고를담당하고고객수익성분석참여

²  고객의재무관련클레임문제발생시적극적으로여러부서와협업하여커뮤니케이션진행

²  외부/내부감사에필요한자료작성.

²  고객과채권채무확인

²  Master data 생성관리 (고객, 공급업체)

²  Service Income 효율화자동화프로젝트에참여합니다.



²  학사학위필수 (정량적인전공은플러스(회계, 재무, 수학, 통계학)

²  MS Excel 스킬필요 (Power BI, Tableau, Macro같은재무적인소프트웨어)

²  영어실력선호


Key Responsibilities:

²  Responsible for monthly Service Income calculation based on client contract margin or logistics activities / Invoicing accurately in timely manner.

²  Responsible for Service Income Dashboard reporting and participate in the client Profitability analysis.

²  Proactively participate in the client or cross-functional communications for any financial related claims and issues

²  Prepares financial statement or adjustment for the purpose of external/internal audit and tax.

²  Prepares tax statements to comply with any statutory requirements.

²  Manages AR and AP confirmation letter bi-annually/annually.

²  Responsible for Master Data creation for new client, vendor and GL through system

²  Participate in the service fee streamline & automation project.




²  Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree; Majoring in a quantitative field will be a plus (accounting, finance, data science, engineering, mathematics, statistics. etc)

²  Strong MS excel skill required (financial reporting software experience such as Power BI, Tableau, and Macro will be a plus)

²  Good English skills preferred