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산업과 예술이 만나는 대학

I.                    Contest Overview

n  Title: 2024 Hongik Counseling and Program, SDP Participation Essay Contest

n  Content:

      The participation essay contest is held for students who have overcome difficulties and experienced self-understanding and personal growth through the use of the Student Counseling Center and participation in psychological counseling and programs in 2024.

      The contest is held for students who have engaged in Self Development Plan (SDP) activities throughout a semester of 2024, focusing on goal setting and planning.

n  Categories:

      Counseling and Assessments

      Student Counseling Center Programs

      Self Development Plan (SDP)

n  Eligibility: Enrolled students of Hongik University (undergraduate and graduate)

n  Organizer: Hongik University Student Counseling Center (Seoul & Sejong campuses)


II.                 How to Apply

l  Submission Period and Method


Due Date


Participation Essay Submission

Sept 1, 2024 (Mon) to Sept 30, 2024 (Mon)

lWrite the Participation Essay (Attachment 1) and the Consent for Personal Information Collection and Use (Attachment 2).

lParticipation Essay: At least 2 pages on A4 paper.

lSubmit through the Integrated Information Management System in the Extracurricular Management Program.

lSubmit the Participation Essay and the Consent for Personal Information Collection as a combined PDF via email (

lFile name: Application_Department_Student ID_Name

Evaluation and Announcement

End of October 2024 (expected)

lInternal evaluation by the Student Counseling Center

lAnnouncement: To be posted on the university website and individually notified

Award Ceremony


lWhether the award ceremony will be held will be announced later.

lWinners will be invited for interviews on their participation experiences

lA collection of outstanding cases will be produced (with personal information edited in the activity report)

n  Eligibility: Hongik University enrolled students (undergraduate and graduate)


III.              Evaluation and Awards

n  Evaluation Criteria



Specificity of Goals


Efforts and Changes for Personal Growth


Expression (Logic, Consistency, Sincerity)





n  Award Details




Counseling & Assessments



Seoul Campus

Sejong Campus

Grand Prize

1 person

Certificate & Prize 500,000 KRW

First Prize

5 people

2 people

Certificate & Prize 300,000 KRW

Excellence Award

11 people

4 people

Certificate & Prize 100,000 KRW

All participants will receive commemorative gifts


u  Note: Taxes on the prize money for the Grand Prize and First Prize are the responsibility of the students.

n  Result Announcement: Expected by the end of October 2024, with announcements on the University and Student Counseling Center websites and individual notifications.


IV.              Miscellaneous

n  Inquiries: Contact the Student Counseling Center at (02-320-2353).

n  Important Notes:

l  All rights to the winning works belong to the university.

l  Submitted documents will not be returned.

l  Submissions must not involve disputes over portrait rights or copyrights. Participants will be responsible for any disputes.

l  Winning entries may be posted on the Hongik University Student Counseling Center website or published in a collection of outstanding cases.