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<2021 동계방학 호주 멜버른 스윈번대학 연수 참가자 모집>

  1. 프로그램명 :  Business, Law and English Study Tour”

  1. 연수기관 :  Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia

  2. 연수기간:  20211월  11 ~ 2021129

  3. 모집대상: 본교 학부 및 대학원 재학생(휴학생 및 20212월 졸업 예정자 제외)으로 장학금 지급 수혜에 결격사유가 없는 학생. (전공 불문)

  4. 영어점수 : 이 프로그램은 그룹 A B로 나누어 진행되며 그룹 A의 경우 최소 TOEIC 830 또는 IELTS 6.0, 그리고 그룹 B의 경우 TOEIC 650 또는 IELTS 5.0을 기준으로 하나, 시험 점수가 없더라도 이와 유사한 영어실력을 보유한 경우 지원 가능함.

  5. 모집인원 : 20(각 그룹에 10명씩)

  6. 연수교육비 지원 : 102만원 지원.

    1인당 참가비는 AUD1400이며 위 참가비의 102만원을 후지급으로 지원함

    (수료증/성적표 및 보고서, 만족도조사 제출이 완료된 후 지급하는 조건임.)

    개별부담액은 환율에 따라 차이가 있을 수 있지만 보수적으로 12만원 내외로 예상함.

F. 학점인정: 교양선택 전공연계해외파견(1)3학점 인정 (동계계절학기)

                           - 대학원생의 경우에는 학점인정이 불가함

  1. 강의내용

    Business and Law English 

    Students will develop essential English language skills for being successful in negotiations, having cross-cultural interactions in an office, attending meetings and doing presentations in English, writing formal emails in business and law contexts. Classes also include role-plays and case studies in law. This course is interactive and group discussions are a vital part of our learning and teaching.

    Innovation & Law lectures

    Students will attend education-related lectures offered by Swinburne academics. The lectures cover interesting topics like the examples below: - Interactive Workshop on Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship - How to create Personal Branding - Company law - Australian Law - International law and Justice *The listed ones are just sample, actual lectures depend on availability.


    Students will be offered a range of online activities during the program, which will include:

    Interaction with Swinburne students: What is it like to be a university student in Australia? Communicate with the Swinburne students and find out about their areas of interests, courses they study, life after school and what they do in their free time. This activity is a great way to discover the life of young people in Australia and compare with the ones in your country. Don’t be shy and let’s make friends!

     Guest Speaker in a professional industry: Students will have the opportunities to listen to a special lecture by a guest speaker related to the area of the group, as well as to learn about his or her experience working in a multi-cultural environment, and the importance of understanding cultural sensitivity.

    Presentation by students: In this session, students will be preparing a short group presentation about their own culture to present to our local students. Students will be able to share their ideas and points of views from different cross-cultural perspectives.

  2. 프로그램 총 책임자 : 조희경 교수 (법과대학)

  3. 강사진

Business & Law English
Thomas Gaffney,
ELICOS Teacher 
Swinburne Academy (MTESOL, Cert IV TESOL (CELTA), BA

Innovation & Law lectures
1)Associate Professor James Roffee
Associate Dean International
Faculty of Business and Law, Swinburne University
2) Dr Richard Laferriere
Lecturer, Entrepreneurship
Faculty of Business and Law, Swinburne University


  1. 제출서류:

    1. 해외연수 참가신청서(별첨 양식)_[첨부1], [첨부2] 

    2. 성적증명서 및 재학증명서

    3. 공인영어성적표 사본(소지자에 한함)

  2. 선발방법: 서류심사(성적, 어학성적 등) 및 필요할 경우 면접으로 선발 (면접 일정은 개별 통지)

  3. 서류제출기한: 1228일 월요일 오후 5시까지 (온라인 면접 1229일 화요일)

  4. 제출처: 법과대학 행정실 이혜진 조교선생님 이메일로 제출
